Ministry of Health Employees Multipurpose Cooperative Society LTD.
Dear fellow cooperators,
In view of the MODERNISATION OF MOHEMCS activities, the creation of a website has been of vital importance as an easy communication tool for all members island-wide.
As MOHEMCS has been classified as one of the TOP 100 Cooperatives in Mauritius this year, 2016;
MOHEMCS will not remain insensitive in the Cooperative Arena and forge ahead for a better
communication and visibility at Regional, National and International Level.
MOHEMCS is reorganising a series of workshops at five zone level and one residential Seminar through the responsibility of the Education Committee.
There will be many major events and projects this year and one of our priorities of launching the website will be to pave the way to facilitating mutual communication for our members island-wide.
A team of coordinators will work under the supervision of the Education Committee for the
coordination and implementation of a mass Media Program, Courses on Information Technology,
Yoga, Relaxation, Recruitment and Monitoring of members through decentralized zones.
2011 to 2016 were challenging years for the Board of Directors to revive the Society.
MOHEMCS has gone through recent difficult years and in 2016 the MINISTRY OF HEALTH EMPLOYEES MULTIPURPOSE COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD - MOHEMCS has been classified as one of the TOP 100 COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES in MAURITIUS.
The Board of Directors took the challenges and has readdressed the Management and Administration and put them on the right track to achieve the objectives of the Society.
It is the "Renaissance" of MOHEMCS and we are FORGING AHEAD FOR A BETTER SERVICE.
The coming years will be more impulsive and we have many interesting projects in mind.
There will be the "REENGINEERING of MOHEMCS" into decentralisation process into zones, together with the computerisation of our whole accounting system. There will be many saving schemes for mobilisation of funds and the creation of a series of full time and part time employment.
The society will project for a long term to work on the model of a 24/7 basis to cater for the needs of its members.
The main objective is to enroll a maximum number of employees, out of 12600 in the Ministry of Health and to conduct all services using a transparent , good governance and accountable management system.
The society needs your help and joining of forces to make it one of the best in the years to come.
From February 2011 to 2016 the Board took the challenge to readdress the situation in the management and administration.
There have been many cases of delinquent loans for more than Rs 1.8 million and cases were referred for arbitration and we have recovered Rs.1.4 million. Many legal cases are going to follow to recover all lost assets of MOHEMCS.
Dividends are credited to member's accounts yearly.